Trixie Bet

A trixie bet has some similarities to a treble, with the main difference being that every combination of double and better wins. So, there are 3 x doubles and 1 x treble as parts to the trixie bet. It’s a good half way house option if you have three selections in mind, because if two win you may gain a small profit and if all three wins you benefit via all four combinations. At the same time, as there are only three selections you can perhaps afford to be a bit more ambitious odds-wise than you would be with a 4 or 5 fold accumulator.

Lucky 31 Bet

A straight five fold accumulator is an ambitious bet to put it mildly, and so some punters with 5 selections in mind will instead opt for a Lucky 31 bet. It’s a rather elaborate bet where your stake is spread across all possible permutations (5 single bets, 10 doubles, 10 trebles, 5 four-folds and 1 five-fold – 31 bets in total). It’s not dissimilar with a Super Yankee bet, only with Lucky 31 multiples, single bets are included too. A Lucky 31 bet is much less focused than a typical 5 fold accumulator bet, but at the same time you create a wider net of ways to win and one loss doesn’t upend your entire bet.

Each Way Bet

An each way bet has two components to it, firstly a win aspect where you, for instance, back the horse you hope will win a race. The other half of the stake however, goes on the horse being placed (typically the first three places, but its dependent on the size of the field). This type of bet ensures that if the horse doesn’t win, you still have the opportunity to win the place part of your bet. Depending on the odds of your initial selection this could result in you making a profit even if your horse doesn’t win the race.

Canadian / Super Yankee Bet

A Canadian bet, also known as a Super Yankee is essentially a Yankee bet but with an extra selection. This additional selection results in a total of 26 bets. 10 doubles, 10 trebles, 5 four-folds plus 1 five-fold. If you favour betting on multiple selections but aren’t willing to go all out re: a 5 fold win accumulator, a Super Yankee might be a good half way house. It offers potential for a sizeable win, but also rewards you if your selections fall ‘in the ballpark’ results-wise.

Goliath Bet

If your mind hasn’t yet been addled by the bewildering number of bets contained within a Super Heinz Bet, step forward the Big Daddy of them all, the Goliath bet. Based on a rather ambitious eight selections, the bet is broken down into every double, treble, four-folds, five-folds, six-folds, seven-folds and eight-fold, which comes to 247 bets in total. Of course you could just opt for a straight 8 fold, and in all likelihood at astronomical odds, but the all or nothing nature of the bet isn’t for everyone, and a Goliath bet is essentially at the opposite ends of the spectrum with a net cast very widely indeed!